Saturday, July 30, 2011

How the Mighty have Fallen

So its been a while, as usual. I try to update regularly but work gets in the way and I continue to paint on my off time, just not updating.

For this update I bring you a figure from Mighty Armies. An Undead War Elephant! 15 mm miniatures (this one stands 2" tall). Another commission piece, and this one was quick to paint between other current projects.

From the beginning. the cart and 3 undead warriors are unassembled.

Painted up for all the pleasure and ready to go.

This was an easy one to paint up between other projects. Also a joy to paint.

Currently I am also working on a 6 jack project for a friends Menoth army (from Privateer press), a bit of my own Cryx army (also Privateer Press), and some terrain for Warmachine. More on those later (I actually built trenches and took pics, just have to finish them to upload).

Unitl next time.