Here we are, at the end of the Robotech Tactics commission. Its been a long journey, and now we can move onto more miniatures! For those keeping track at home these were all finished up at the beginning of 2015. Real life issues popping up and other various factors, finally led me to being able to upload them. In the mean time I kept painting new and different things, so we will slowly get to them.
The last of the models....are we ready? LETS GOOOooooo
Zentraedi Artillery Battlepods
Zentraedi Recon Battlepods
Zentraedi Recovery Battlepod
Parting is such sweet sorrow, but I am glad I got those out there. Bonus, so was the client!
That wraps up the Robotech Tactics commission. Meanwhile I have almost a whole years worth of stuff to edit, export, and upload. We have some Zombicide, Arcadia Quest, Reaper, an Arena Rex figure, some more quick jobs of Hordes, and possibly a Games Workshop figure too. There is probably some more in there as well and we will see them together in the future, some of you for the first time.
Until next time, may your dry-brushes be dry, and wet blends be wet (but not too wet). See you then!
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