Saturday, January 29, 2011

Dungeon X

Well I return this week to dungeon building :) After being held on a commission paint job last week (Chan Li, Martial arts Master), and recently purchased TerrainlinX Model Planner from WorldWorks Games, I got addicted to designing and playing around with all the features. Quite fun indeed. So last night at work (I work the graveyard shift) I designed a dungeon rough sketch and put into the planner today. I figured this will take a while, working a bit on it each day between painting as well. I will keep updates here under this title (Dungeon X).

Although I have yet to think of a proper name, or way to use it, I thought it would be fun to design a dungeon again. There will be a total of 5 floors within. Party will start on the second floor and work their way towards the 4th, the 1st floor will compose of a ruined floor and a large room where something awaits them most evil, as the bottom floor is 2x as high as the others.

Here is a rough sketch I did at work. Sloppy, I know, but it gives me a rough idea of overall layout.

I will follow up with the first floor after I finish printing out all these pages I need. Floors, anchors, posts, walls, and more....afterall I get to try out my 2 new boosters for the Lost Halls of the Dwarven Kings Treasures and Tombs and Vault of the Ancients

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