Continued more work today on this awesome terrain set from WorldWorks Games.
As I discussed yesterday, I worked on the basic walls and today began constructing the very cool Anti Warp Walls - they also come in 3" and 6". So for the 3 hrs I got to work on today, I was able to get 15 of the 3" and 6 of the 6" anti-warp walls done.
Anti-warp walls scored, tested and ready to be assembled.
One down, more to go
There we are. All done for the ones I printed out - about 1 copy of each page of walls.
even got a few archways done
As an added bonus I also printed out a copy of the double high wall with archways. This is the 6" long double high wall. Done basically for 2-story builds. and I plan on doing that here.
Not bad for todays work. Next I plan on doing posts in preparation for the floors...wait till you see those!
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