Welcome back! Part 3 of Khador Excitement! And if you can tell by the title, there is Khador here. These all follow the commission requested scheme of White and Red Khador by the client. This. IS. CONQUEST! The colossal warjack for Khador. It is HUGH, so much that the base size is classified as hugh. The base is the size of a CD/DVD. The model itself is as big as my head! This thing means business, and here he is!!
I went for a bit more detailing in the paint job here, those rivets were...well not fun to be honest. There are plenty of them and each has at least 2 if not 3 colors of paint on them. Overall I did enjoy painting him tho, a massive warjack ready to crush the opposition.
Side note that I dont have an airbrush which would have helped on these massive figures. But I had fun painting them by brush anyway.
Here is a size comparison shot with the warcaster Harkevich who is on a 30mm base and my iPhone. Just to give some of you an idea how tall Conquest really is.
Wow-We! There you go some love over the weekend and multiple posts in a week, GO ME! I hope you enjoyed checking out the Khador Excitement with me. I had a blast and I think the client enjoyed them too. He is probably lining up more for me as we speak.
Coming up soon will be a Circle starter army for the 2-Player Hordes starter box from Privateer Press. I may even get a few Super Dungeon Explore heroes up on here as well within the month, but time will tell. Now I am off to paint something, I hope you are too!